
Laure Fischer

Web Developer | Program Manager

I'm a management consultant-turned-web developer, with a passion for building products that make people's lives better.

{ Projects }


Actively manage your interactions with your LinkedIn contacts to create lasting, meaningful professional relationships.



Find unique, spontaneous things to do in Boston, experienced and recommended by urban adventurers like you.



Create a packing list for your next trip. Check things off on your phone as you pack, and never again worry that you left something behind.


{ Skills }


  • Ruby on Rails
  • RSpec
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku


  • JavaScript/jQuery
  • AJAX
  • Angular.js
  • d3.js
  • Jasmine

Project Management

  • Git/Github
  • Microsoft Project

{ About }

After graduating from Northwestern in 2011, I went to work as a strategy and operations consultant, and spent the next two and half years providing guidance to a wide variety of companies, on everything from customer experience to regulatory compliance. The more time I spent analyzing these companies, the more I realized I wanted to apply what I'd learned to starting my own company someday. Never one to avoid getting my hands dirty, I knew I wanted the skills to build something myself, and soon found my way to General Assembly's Web Development Immersive course.

It's been twelve intense weeks of training in full-stack web development, and I've loved every semicolon, curly brace, and git commit. Going forward, I'm excited to combine what I've learned from my consulting days with my newfound coding chops to develop and manage outstanding products from end to end.